Saturday, March 20, 2010

Some perspective on spring

It's the first day of spring and I live in the city,
so really things aren't yet looking too pretty.

But the sun was so warm and the breeze lightly blowing,
and I was antsy to know that SOMETHING was growing.

I picked up my camera and walked out the door,
on a mission to find spring in Baltimore.

I saw brick and concrete and lots of bare trees
but where were the colors and flowers and bees?

One tree caught my eye with a few blooms of red,
and then I saw white on a tree up ahead.

I found one growing pink and another one green,
but overall there wasn't too much to be seen.

It seemed that I was searching for something not here,
that true spring in the north would show later this year.

As I slowly walked home I let out a long sigh,
but suddenly something bright caught my eye.

I stopped in an alley and my smile spread wide,
and I reached for the camera hanging at my side.

Perspective is key and I had been looking all wrong,
turns out spring has been just out back all along!