But look, believe it or not, Spring is on its way!

(As evidenced by these IKEA flowers that may not be quite real- or even realISTIC- but that I love nonetheless. Displayed quite perfectly in the IKEA pitcher that I also love. A gift from my husband whom I love for remembering them as I randomly pointed them out in the store one day. Ok, digressing again...)
So the point is, these flowers go to show that it won't be all snow and winter forever on this blog. If you're in SC, I'll be down at the end of March- the perfect time to get those spring photos of the kids and family! We all know how quickly it gets hot in the Palmetto State, so beat the heat and book your family session early this year. With my impending mid-summer maternity leave this may be the only chance for my southern friends till late fall. Unless you want to throw the kiddos in the car and roadtrip-it-up I-95. Which would actually make me quite happy. I do love visitors.
I'm only booking a very limited number of sessions while I'm in town and they are quickly filling up. Available slots are between March 29-April 1. Email me asap if you are interested!
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