Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Secret recipe

1 precious two-year-old
Really tall weeds
Assorted bugs (butterflies, dragonflies, "jumping bugs", etc.; avoid bees or ants)
Abandoned structure
100+ degree weather
Minature tuxedo
Cheese cubes and sippy cup
Stuffed Tigger

Make sure the bugs, weeds, and abandoned structure are in one spot. Allow temperatures to rise quickly, and be sure the humidity is at least 90%. Place precious two-year-old child in minature tuxedo, reward with cheese, and begin photographing.

Replace tuxedo with polo soaked in water from spilled cup. Place child in tall weeds. (Abandon all notions of carefree child frolicking in field. Child will be unable to walk or see mommy through grass, so photograph quickly before panic sets in.) Use assorted bugs to keep child's attention away from the Stuffed Tigger you just took out of his arms. Retrieve child periodically and reward with sippy cup. Repeat procedure for 45-60 minutes or until images are delicious. Continue to add in exciting new bugs as needed. (Thank goodness for bugs.) If necessary, make up bugs that aren't even there and enlist Stuffed Tigger to "help find" them.

Note: If it turns out someone delivers a newspaper to your "abandoned" structure during the shoot, do not alter recipe. Procede with haste and be glad no one caught you unintentionally tresspassing.

Quickly on his way to blog stardom, here's Jesse who just turned two! I was so excited when Kate came up with this location- I've been looking for something just like this.

I think everyone should model a little formalwear for their birthday sessions. Fabulous.

Sidenote: Kate is running a Tot-Topper giveaway this week! Visit her blog for more details.


  1. Oh Karin! You had me hysterically laughing reading this recap! I was trying to read it to Ryan and had to keep stopping because tears were streaming down my face.

    Secondly, these pictures are BEAUTIFUL. I cannot wait to see them all!!!

  2. OOOh! my favorite is the third one down. That may be one of my favorites you have done of all times :) p.s. dang. I wasn't the first to comment.

  3. Sara-I was mommy stalking Karin's blog :)

  4. Karin,

    Your writing is only exceeded by the fabulosity of these photographs. You have an amazing eye and a gift for the written word. Thank you for sharing.

    PS: Thought I'd post these comments rather than just tell you, as I normally do.

  5. I have to agree with Sara!! The third one is my favorite! Love the softness of it! Also have to agree with Kate about your directions. You crack me up girl! Man I need to be more creative with my blog!
