Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Don't trip

What am I supposed to do about this?

Usually The Pouty Lip is accompanied by a reasonable request, such as being fed or rocked to sleep. I quickly oblige.

But what am I supposed to do in a few years? When The Lip wants a puppy or a motorcycle or gasp permission to go to college, then what am I supposed to do? How do you resist?

I guess the more important question is, who on earth taught my baby how to do this?


  1. OH MY GOSH! That is going to be such a difficult thing to resist. Can't wait to see him in person, but hopefully with all smiles!

  2. aaah!!!! SO SWEET!!!! this made my day :)

  3. I think it's just inherent. Babies are just born knowing how to wrap their parents just a bit tighter around their little fingers.

    He is ADORABLE. :)

  4. So, so Cute !!!!! (Did he get it from Daddy?)

  5. I see imitative behavior in at least one of these pics, but who is imitating who?

  6. I have now gone to this blog 5 times, that face is so CUTE!!!!!!!!!

  7. oh-my. quite dramatic. and p-i-t-i-f-u-l.

  8. You could just try what Im planning to do when ours ask to go to college- tell them no. - Kupa
