Saturday, July 26, 2008

Get well soon

The sad day has finally come. After putting it off for as long as possible, I have given up and shipped my MacbookPro off for repairs. It's not that I don't want it fixed, it's that I don't want to be without it for a week. However, now that it's gone, I'm kinda hoping the repair goes something like this:

Repair guy: Wow, you are one of the original MBPs. You're two and a half years old!

MBP: Why yes, yes I am. I am hoping to retire soon.

Repair guy: Really? This early in your career?

MBP: It's been a tough life. I did some college work in there, and I handle lots of photography. And my owner- well, she has a six-year old iMac as my partner. I mean it is cute and all, but doesn't have the speed or capability to keep up with me. I am just tired. Why do you think I overheat and crash all the time?

Repair guy: True. Well, I tell you what. Why don't I just tell your owner that you had "irreparable damage" or something like that. I'll send her a brand new MBP, and send YOU off to Mac paradise. You can spend the rest of your days on the beach sipping cool drinks.

MBP: Well, I would miss her... but not enough to turn down an offer like that. Retirement, here I come!

Anyway, I guess we'll just see how that goes. In other news, I'll be at a conference in Las Vegas next week, and without the laptop to travel with me, will not be able to blog. But hopefully I'll come back with some cool pictures. 

And by then I should have an update on my MBP status!

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