We met up in South Carolina for a photo session the weekend of their son John Dickson's second birthday and what fun we had. I took an outrageous number of photos- at least twice what I normally shoot. (And there is my excuse for taking twice as long to get it posted!) But I really couldn't help it. Amanda and I have been planning this session for oh, like, seven months and the excitement just went to my head. And my trigger-happy index finger. Here are just a handful of my favorites!
This is John Dickson and I love him. And his hat.
As if John Dickson isn't enough fun, baby brother Henry will be making his debut in July. Amanda is due just two weeks after me- yay for newborn buddies!
Someone had entirely too much fun beating up his parents
I have never ever had a photo session where I spent so much time trying not to fall over laughing. Seriously. It was so fun to work with old friends and catch up over breakfast afterward. I still haven't fully accepted that they live in Greenville and we live in Baltimore and we can't hang out. Boo. : (
But I am super excited that next time we are in SC our little baby will meet their little baby and BOOM they'll be instant pen pals!