It's amazing how much little boys change in a few short months. Somehow I don't remember quite this much sprinting at our session last summer. But it was fun! Most of the night looked like this:
But every now and then when we glued Seth's cute little plaid shorts to the top of a tall brick wall, we got a few of these:
And then it was back to business- playing!
(Though he did take a break for an orange)
As Seth ran circles around the USC Horseshoe and Zackary followed close behind, I got a few extra minutes to spend with Tonya and Scott. LOVE these shots of them.
As I was editing these I realized how lucky we got- we moved their shoot up a day at the last minute. If you live in South Carolina you know how bad the pine pollen is and how suddenly it shows up. If we had tried to do this Friday as originally planned, everyone would have been bright yellow!
As always, I love the chance to catch up with my "regulars," and it is safe to say this pregnant photographer got her cardio in for the day. : ) Thanks guys! Stay tuned for one more SC shoot coming up on the blog in a few days!
If I tell you Adam wrecked my car, could I maybe get one sympathy shot???