Trees are easy to photograph.* You can count on them to keep the same pose for extended periods of time. They don't move while you change your memory card, adjust your focus, or reposition for better lighting.
Trees are also boring.
Kids are the opposite of trees and the opposite of boring. This is why I am a children's photographer and not a nature photographer. This is why I love John Dickson and Henry.

If you've followed my blog for a while, you'll remember my friends Adam and Amanda from
their session this spring. Their littlest boy, Henry, was due two weeks after but born the day before mine (still not bitter). Since I was in the hospital with my newborn this summer, I couldn't photograph theirs, so I was SUPER excited to add their family to my fall schedule in
Greenville, SC. We mainly focused on Henry for this session, but of course got John Dickson and family pictures as well. And I have to tell you that Henry has the greatest godparents ever- this photo session was a gift from them! Besides the fact that I was excited to be a part of it, I think that is such a sweet, sweet gift to give to the parents of a new baby. High-five to Betsy and Brandon!
Despite everything everyone tells me about the Terrible Twos, John Dickson makes me want a two-year-old. I often think Brody will be a lot like him- absolutely crazy and absolutely awesome.

And then I look at Henry, and he makes me want- well, a Henry. A sweet, laid-back, roly-poly Henry. Brody could take some notes from him. (Except maybe not the part about not sleeping at night.)

This is the "mom, why am I naked in a park?" face

I love all these facial expressions- I couldn't choose just one from this series

These kids rock my socks off and make me sad that they live 547 miles away.
*I guess I should clarify that I don't think nature photography is "easy"- it is quite beautiful and complex. I'm just really not very good at it, and certainly can't photograph a tree the way Ansel Adams could. But you know what I mean. I heart kiddos in front of my camera. I like things with eyeballs.