Since our day didn't go as planned, I've spent hours organizing my desk, sorting through old photos, straightening the house, and catching up on laundry. And honestly, if you know me, I really do like these kind days (deep down I have a lot of Monica Gellar in me), so I'm a happy girl.
But I can't say I don't miss spending time today with my birthday buddy Ryan. It's so fun sharing a birthday with one of your bestest friends and I am really sad I don't get to enjoy a huge slice of the incredible chocolate cake he gets each year. : (
In my sorting through old pictures today I came across this lovely gem. Ryan and I share a love of all things chocolate, as you can see in this beautiful shot from a spring break trip in our college days...
Happy birthday Ryan!! Eat an extra slice for me.
YAY! happy happy birthday to our good buddies! So crazy how we BOTH posted ice cream pics! Love it! :)