I'll post more when I get home, and I promise it will be a MEGA post to make up for how long I've dragged it out!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
8 months beautiful
Um, so I've been promising for what, like, two months now that I would share photos from my best friend Kati's maternity shoot? I know, it's ridiculous. I'm out of town this weekend and didn't have time to pull together a whole post, but here is just a taste. Isn't she gorgeous?

I'll post more when I get home, and I promise it will be a MEGA post to make up for how long I've dragged it out!
I'll post more when I get home, and I promise it will be a MEGA post to make up for how long I've dragged it out!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
My parents will be so proud
It's the little things in life. The things you teach your children when you're not even trying. The life lessons that stick with them into adulthood.
My parents used to order Chinese food on Friday nights. I threw tantrums and made throw-up noises and convinced them I was going to die so that they would get me a Wendy's hamburger instead. They would roll their eyes and peacefully eat their dinners while I ran to eat my burger in a different room to avoid contamination. It was kind of a weekly thing.
As I got a little older and braver I discovered that I loved Japanese food- teriyaki chicken and hibachi vegetables make me jump for joy. It wasn't until about a year ago that I realized that all Chinese food is not evil, and is pretty similar to Japanese. Chinese people have chicken and rice and veggies, too. I still don't want anything to do with an egg roll, and noodles that aren't Italian give me the creeps, but I can kill some fried rice.
Tonight, for the first time in my life, I called and ordered Chinese takeout. The little baby in my belly wiggled with excitement while we waited for the delivery man to show up, and it was everything I imagined it would be. It even came in the adorable Chinese food boxes. (Although I was a little disappointed not to get chopsticks.)

Dylan and I were super sad to learn that our traditional Thursday night TV date was all repeats, but we chowed down on our Chinese food in front of the TV anyway. And loved every bite.
Thanks Mom and Dad. You've taught me so much. (But I'm not changing my mind about pork, so don't push your luck.)
My parents used to order Chinese food on Friday nights. I threw tantrums and made throw-up noises and convinced them I was going to die so that they would get me a Wendy's hamburger instead. They would roll their eyes and peacefully eat their dinners while I ran to eat my burger in a different room to avoid contamination. It was kind of a weekly thing.
As I got a little older and braver I discovered that I loved Japanese food- teriyaki chicken and hibachi vegetables make me jump for joy. It wasn't until about a year ago that I realized that all Chinese food is not evil, and is pretty similar to Japanese. Chinese people have chicken and rice and veggies, too. I still don't want anything to do with an egg roll, and noodles that aren't Italian give me the creeps, but I can kill some fried rice.
Tonight, for the first time in my life, I called and ordered Chinese takeout. The little baby in my belly wiggled with excitement while we waited for the delivery man to show up, and it was everything I imagined it would be. It even came in the adorable Chinese food boxes. (Although I was a little disappointed not to get chopsticks.)
Dylan and I were super sad to learn that our traditional Thursday night TV date was all repeats, but we chowed down on our Chinese food in front of the TV anyway. And loved every bite.
Thanks Mom and Dad. You've taught me so much. (But I'm not changing my mind about pork, so don't push your luck.)
Friday, January 22, 2010
Just what the doctor ordered
I know I am supposed to gain 25 lbs. by July, but I don't think THIS is what the doctor had in mind.

I've got a belly full of baby, and when it asks me to toss a few pancakes in there I can't really tell it no. (Who would argue with a tiny little baby?) It's been asking for pancakes pretty often, so I've got a sneaking suspicion we'll hit the goal weight a tad early.
So there's the big news! I've been holding out posting on my blog, and really you should thank me. Because now that this is open knowledge to the blog world, I feel perfectly entitled to share all my whiny pregnancy stories with you. The floodgates have been opened. You're welcome.
Ok, to be honest I am trying really hard not to be a whiny girl. (I guess you'd have to ask my husband how well I'm doing with that.) I'm not the first pregnant person in this world nor the last, and really anything I want to complain about I know there is someone out there worse off than me. And yes I am still barfing in month four, several weeks after everyone assured me I would be feeling marvelous. Overall I am extremely excited about this tiny little blessing from God in my belly, even while I question its hatred of hamburgers and all things beef. What child of mine could hate hamburgers??
But to address the business aspect of this news- because of course, this is a photography blog, not a mommy blog- YES I am still actively booking and shooting sessions! I may be packing on the pounds but that's all the more reason for me to chase after YOUR children and get a little exercise. I will be taking a mid-summer break while we adjust to having a small person living in our house- I hear they're not quite as self sufficient as dogs- but at this point I am still rocking and rolling.
And stay tuned, I should be announcing one more opportunity for South Carolina clients to get some camera time this spring!
I've got a belly full of baby, and when it asks me to toss a few pancakes in there I can't really tell it no. (Who would argue with a tiny little baby?) It's been asking for pancakes pretty often, so I've got a sneaking suspicion we'll hit the goal weight a tad early.
So there's the big news! I've been holding out posting on my blog, and really you should thank me. Because now that this is open knowledge to the blog world, I feel perfectly entitled to share all my whiny pregnancy stories with you. The floodgates have been opened. You're welcome.
Ok, to be honest I am trying really hard not to be a whiny girl. (I guess you'd have to ask my husband how well I'm doing with that.) I'm not the first pregnant person in this world nor the last, and really anything I want to complain about I know there is someone out there worse off than me. And yes I am still barfing in month four, several weeks after everyone assured me I would be feeling marvelous. Overall I am extremely excited about this tiny little blessing from God in my belly, even while I question its hatred of hamburgers and all things beef. What child of mine could hate hamburgers??
But to address the business aspect of this news- because of course, this is a photography blog, not a mommy blog- YES I am still actively booking and shooting sessions! I may be packing on the pounds but that's all the more reason for me to chase after YOUR children and get a little exercise. I will be taking a mid-summer break while we adjust to having a small person living in our house- I hear they're not quite as self sufficient as dogs- but at this point I am still rocking and rolling.
And stay tuned, I should be announcing one more opportunity for South Carolina clients to get some camera time this spring!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I hate Jell-O.
Seriously. It grosses me out. Texture has a big impact on my food choices and I just can't handle the slimy, jiggliness of Jell-O.
Dylan and I have both been down for the count this week. After he got through the worst of his stomach virus, I caught it full-force, complete with an overnight stay in the ER chugging down IV fluids. It was a blast as poor, sick Dylan sat in an uncomfortable hospital chair all night while sicker me lay in an uncomfortable hospital bed. We've spent the week in our pajamas on the couch catching up on a whole season of LOST that we missed. And we actually don't have a couch, so we've been scrunched on the loveseat. We are truly pathetic.
We're both doing much better now and planning to head back to work tomorrow (just in time for the weekend). We drank our share of Gatorade and juice over the week, but somehow the Jell-O that I thought was so important to make still sits in the fridge. I really don't understand how anyone eats that stuff.
If anyone (besides my sister who lives 500 miles away) is interested, feel free to stop by for a snack. We've got plenty to share!
Dylan and I have both been down for the count this week. After he got through the worst of his stomach virus, I caught it full-force, complete with an overnight stay in the ER chugging down IV fluids. It was a blast as poor, sick Dylan sat in an uncomfortable hospital chair all night while sicker me lay in an uncomfortable hospital bed. We've spent the week in our pajamas on the couch catching up on a whole season of LOST that we missed. And we actually don't have a couch, so we've been scrunched on the loveseat. We are truly pathetic.
We're both doing much better now and planning to head back to work tomorrow (just in time for the weekend). We drank our share of Gatorade and juice over the week, but somehow the Jell-O that I thought was so important to make still sits in the fridge. I really don't understand how anyone eats that stuff.
If anyone (besides my sister who lives 500 miles away) is interested, feel free to stop by for a snack. We've got plenty to share!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Birthday buddies
So today is my birthday (and thanks MLK, Jr. for the day off!) My sweet husband had the day off work as well and had big plans to make me feel extra special for my first birthday away from all the close friends and family that we normally celebrate with. Instead, the poor guy ended up with a horrible stomach virus and has spent the day immobilized watching movies on the couch.
Since our day didn't go as planned, I've spent hours organizing my desk, sorting through old photos, straightening the house, and catching up on laundry. And honestly, if you know me, I really do like these kind days (deep down I have a lot of Monica Gellar in me), so I'm a happy girl.
But I can't say I don't miss spending time today with my birthday buddy Ryan. It's so fun sharing a birthday with one of your bestest friends and I am really sad I don't get to enjoy a huge slice of the incredible chocolate cake he gets each year. : (
In my sorting through old pictures today I came across this lovely gem. Ryan and I share a love of all things chocolate, as you can see in this beautiful shot from a spring break trip in our college days...

Happy birthday Ryan!! Eat an extra slice for me.
Since our day didn't go as planned, I've spent hours organizing my desk, sorting through old photos, straightening the house, and catching up on laundry. And honestly, if you know me, I really do like these kind days (deep down I have a lot of Monica Gellar in me), so I'm a happy girl.
But I can't say I don't miss spending time today with my birthday buddy Ryan. It's so fun sharing a birthday with one of your bestest friends and I am really sad I don't get to enjoy a huge slice of the incredible chocolate cake he gets each year. : (
In my sorting through old pictures today I came across this lovely gem. Ryan and I share a love of all things chocolate, as you can see in this beautiful shot from a spring break trip in our college days...
Happy birthday Ryan!! Eat an extra slice for me.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The newest newborn ever
It's common wisdom among photographers that newborns are best photographed in the first 5-12 days of life. They are still very scrunchy, very sleepy, and very new.
It's common wisdom among mothers that children don't always do what you want. So while my best friend Kati WANTED her sweet little boy to arrive on or before his due date, he continued cooking for an extra week and waited till Thanksgiving morning to show up.
We had long planned Cole's newborn shoot for the Friday after Thanksgiving, thinking he would fit perfectly into our 5-12 day age range. Since I live in Maryland and Kati & Stephen live in Georgia, we didn't have much wiggle room to change dates, so Cole had his first photo session at a mere 36 hours old.
When you imagine what the poor child had gone through in a day and a half I am surprised he was even the slightest bit cooperative. He barely even knew what daylight was, let alone who his parents were, or the girl with the camera who really wanted him to sleep naked on a blanket. But in the end we had an adorable, perfect little baby boy and just enough snoozing to get a few shots before dark.
Enough talk, onto my favorite brand new munchkin!
Why do we always love tiny baby feet? I could take 100 pictures of them.

I love how hard he is working to get those eyes open

Sleeping in daddy's arms... this being born stuff is exhausting

Ohhh those lips...

It was hard to focus on being the photographer and not just snuggling him, but I gave it my best. : ) I am so excited I got to meet Cole when he was only one day old, even if that's not the perfect photo day. And I know he's got a lifetime in front of my camera ahead of him. (Let's be honest, Kati and I planned out her first child's one-year-old photo session years ago.)
Stay tuned for Kati's maternity session- one of my faves yet!
It's common wisdom among mothers that children don't always do what you want. So while my best friend Kati WANTED her sweet little boy to arrive on or before his due date, he continued cooking for an extra week and waited till Thanksgiving morning to show up.
We had long planned Cole's newborn shoot for the Friday after Thanksgiving, thinking he would fit perfectly into our 5-12 day age range. Since I live in Maryland and Kati & Stephen live in Georgia, we didn't have much wiggle room to change dates, so Cole had his first photo session at a mere 36 hours old.
When you imagine what the poor child had gone through in a day and a half I am surprised he was even the slightest bit cooperative. He barely even knew what daylight was, let alone who his parents were, or the girl with the camera who really wanted him to sleep naked on a blanket. But in the end we had an adorable, perfect little baby boy and just enough snoozing to get a few shots before dark.
Enough talk, onto my favorite brand new munchkin!
Why do we always love tiny baby feet? I could take 100 pictures of them.
I love how hard he is working to get those eyes open
Sleeping in daddy's arms... this being born stuff is exhausting
Ohhh those lips...
It was hard to focus on being the photographer and not just snuggling him, but I gave it my best. : ) I am so excited I got to meet Cole when he was only one day old, even if that's not the perfect photo day. And I know he's got a lifetime in front of my camera ahead of him. (Let's be honest, Kati and I planned out her first child's one-year-old photo session years ago.)
Stay tuned for Kati's maternity session- one of my faves yet!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Baby mama
These pictures make me happy.

What a gorgeous mama and baby!
The entire time I was in South Carolina over Christmas, these were the only pictures I took- no pictures while the whole family was in town, no Christmas shots, no New Year's- nothing. Apparently my camera wanted a vacation (if only I had known that before I lugged all my gear down south with me.)
But my camera begged to come out and play for a few minutes when my best friend Kati came to visit with her sweet little one-month-old munchkin. We braved the chilly afternoon for a few minutes to get these shots of Kati and Cole. (Next time we'll have to get together when daddy is not working, cause these three make a beautiful family.)

I hope you like them, cause you'll be seeing a lot more of these two over the next few days. Not only do I still need to blog Cole's newborn pictures, I also have never shared Kati's maternity pictures that I took back in October!
In other news, my furry sidekick did get the snow his little heart desired, but only a couple inches. It's really not enough for him to play in but he doesn't seem to understand. As soon as his little paws hit the cold, wet ground he is ready to take off through the park, completely oblivious to the fact that he is attached to a leash which is attached to a human arm.
What a gorgeous mama and baby!
The entire time I was in South Carolina over Christmas, these were the only pictures I took- no pictures while the whole family was in town, no Christmas shots, no New Year's- nothing. Apparently my camera wanted a vacation (if only I had known that before I lugged all my gear down south with me.)
But my camera begged to come out and play for a few minutes when my best friend Kati came to visit with her sweet little one-month-old munchkin. We braved the chilly afternoon for a few minutes to get these shots of Kati and Cole. (Next time we'll have to get together when daddy is not working, cause these three make a beautiful family.)
I hope you like them, cause you'll be seeing a lot more of these two over the next few days. Not only do I still need to blog Cole's newborn pictures, I also have never shared Kati's maternity pictures that I took back in October!
In other news, my furry sidekick did get the snow his little heart desired, but only a couple inches. It's really not enough for him to play in but he doesn't seem to understand. As soon as his little paws hit the cold, wet ground he is ready to take off through the park, completely oblivious to the fact that he is attached to a leash which is attached to a human arm.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Someone needs to cheer up
Someone doesn't know what to do with himself other than mope around the house now that he is back in Baltimore.
I think someone misses all his "cousin dogs" in South Carolina, as well as the freedom of an open backyard and limitless squirrel-chasing.
Maybe the chance of more snow tomorrow will make him happier?
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