Answer: Heck no. I have gone into turbo-mode and am editing photo sessions like there is no tomorrow because NEXT WEEK I AM ON VACATION!
Question: Ok Karin, but when will you post the pictures on your blog?
Answer: Hopefully by the end of this week once I get these sessions wrapped, but if not you will just have to wait a little because NEXT WEEK I AM ON VACATION!
Question: Karin, why does your internet cut off every time your phone rings?
Answer: If I had the answer to that and all the other problems with my cable/internet/phone company I would be a very rich girl.
Question: Karin, what kinds of things are you excited about right now?
Answer: Well, I am greatly looking forward to Kent & Kait's wedding this weekend (since they belong to two of my favorite families on the planet) and then the following Saturday my best friend is getting married and I am MOH which is of course awesome. Oh and did I mention that in between those two weddings, which would be NEXT WEEK, I AM ON VACATION!?
Question: Karin, what do you think about frilly toothpicks?
Answer: I'm for 'em!
Question: Karin, can we see just one picture from one of the sessions you are working on right now?
Answer: Ok, fine, but only because you asked so nicely.
More questions or things you want to know? That's what the comment box is for. Ask away!
want to know what is making our house smell amazing? CHOCOLATE CHIP CAKE-which we get to eat on VACATION!