With Dylan coaching this season, I've taken the opportunity to work on my nonexistent sports photography skills.
We spent last weekend at a soccer tournament in Mt. Pleasant where he coached his U-16 boys to a super second place finish. We had some serious rain the first day, and with all the soccer games going on the fields turned to sludge. The boys were FILTHY, as were my feet on the sidelines. I faced several challenges photographically- the weather varied from black clouds and splattering mud to blinding sun, and I fought the whole weekend with odd shadows and angles on the field, a lens that always felt too long or too short, and some speedy soccer players whose next move I could never anticipate.
This weekend's game in Columbia was slightly more successful. The mid-afternoon sun was bright white, but at least I felt that I had a better grasp on which camera settings work best and how to better capture the action.
Anyway, I still need lots of practice, but here are a few from both weekends!

For real- mad hops

I love these next two shots, pre- and post-goal

Dylan and (most of) his team in Mt. Pleasant

On a side note, a zoom lens is a great substitute for binoculars! I am sure I looked very official and impressive with the camera glued to my face the whole game, but in reality half the time I was just watching through the lens.
That's all for tonight. Go Phillies.
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