When I was little, all I wanted in the whole world was curly hair. I would constantly sleep (if you can call it that- hard to sleep when you're being jabbed in the head) in those sponge rollers, with hopes of beautiful cascading curls in the morning. Usually I ended up with half-wavy, still damp hair that looked like I hadn't brushed it in weeks. My hair just didn't hold curl. And my mom never gave into my begging for a perm in third grade (for which I am now eternally grateful.)
Anyway, I had a lot of fun last weekend shooting Brennen and Paul and their daughter Emily, who just turned 2 and has GORGEOUS curls. She is such a sweet girl and loved showing off for the camera.
Brennen and Paul have done some really cool landscaping in their backyard, so it was the perfect place to do their family pics.
I mean really, do you get any happier than this?

Such a cute family

For whatever reason, this makes me think of Alice in Wonderland
Someone loves her daddy

Ok I love this one A LOT (which is probably evident since I put it on the homepage of my
web site!)

Love them!
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