So a couple weeks ago Melissa called to see if she could get some sibling pics with her two brothers, Matt and Eric. She wanted to give her parents some shots of all three of them before she moved off to ATL to finish school. We squeezed the shoot in on a Tuesday evening two days before she moved, and of course were faced with torrential downpours and gale-force winds. With no real chance to reschedule, I headed to the park in the pouring rain and so did they.
As I pulled into the parking lot, the rain slowed to a sprinkle and then stopped. I saw a patch of blue sky. A park-shaped hole opened in the storm clouds and floated above us for about an hour as we frantically ran around and took pictures, constantly looking over our shoulders at the black clouds not too far away. Then God decided our photoshoot was over and BOOM, the storm was back. Not lying, it was really the only dry part of 24 hours. But we got some great shots in the midst of it all!
The three of them were a lot of fun and were up for anything. There were a lot of kung-fu shots and jumping pictures, but I there are just too many to choose from for the blog! Here are a few of my other favorites:
This is Melissa.