Besides the enormous sense of accomplishment we feel for running 26.2 straight miles, we are so proud to be a part of Team In Training and what they are working for. More than 3,400 runners of the 21,000 in the San Diego RNR Marathon were Team In Training participants. Together, we raised over $12.9 million for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society through this event alone. Dylan and I still have a few weeks to meet our fundraising commitment to LLS, and it means more to us than ever to contribute to this great cause. (If you thought you missed your chance, it's not too late! .)
As for our future running career, we're taking a little hiatus- maybe a week- and then we are looking forward to hitting the road again on a lighter running schedule. Somehow, through all this, my reluctant husband has turned into a full-fledged runner! Although he is perfectly content having completed his one and only marathon and has no plans to sign up for another, Dylan has come to appreciate the joy of running in and of itself. He just prefers smaller increments wearing cleats and kicking a ball down a field. : )
I’ve posted some pictures below of our whirlwind weekend in San Diego!